Superbowl Sunday was also the kick-off of Susan's big fundraiser for the year. The theme this year is a western one.
This of course strikes anyone who knows Susan as funny. She is creeping up on being more of a Texan than a New Yorker (based on time spent) but she wallows in her Yankee-ness. Never have I met someone who has four kids born in this state, friends for life, and political involvement disparage a people and customs more.
The kick-off and theme did lend themselves to fun pictures though.
All four girls on a hay-ride. (Hay ride is defined as driving around the YMCA parkinglot twice [TWICE!] behind a pick-up truck. For reference, in Kansas the trailer would be pulled behind a tractor or horse, in Green Bay by a tractor or snow-mobile.) Miriam rides her first horse . . Susan seems pretty comfortable in her denim shirt and bandana . . hmmm . . . interesting. I wonder where this can lead? It could only lead to LINE DANCING!!
And we close out this little album with Gwendolyn on another hay-ride.