Saturday, August 13, 2005

Sarah and Minny: Looking back

I can't find any digital pictures of Sarah or Michelle's newborn or kindergaten pictures to match the one of Gwen. But here they are as early as I can get. Sarah is off to University of North Texas in Denton (near Dallas) and Michelle is up to 11th grade.

Looking back as school starts

As we get ready for Kindergarten it seems like a good time to look back.
Here is Gwendolyn relaxing in what has to be early February, 2000. Which makes her about a month old.

[sorry for the low image quality, cheap webcam and low-light conditions]

Birthday list 2005

So the day is coming up and I thought I would post the list (or links to lists).

I can't say enough good things about Stardock products. So my list starts with a renewal to my Object Desktop subscription.
They also have a gaming division that uses a token system; I'd like some tokens. Take a look at

I have a wish list at Amazon and ThinkGeek. Lots of Books, magazines, toys, clothes, movies there.

I'm not asking, I'm just listing.

Maybe Gas Prices Aren't Quite so Bad

I don't know the souce so I'm a little leary . . .but not enough not to post the chart.

It sure would be nice to have an alternate choice of fuel. But don't get me started on "hybrid" vehicles . . . that's not alternate fuel, that's just NIMBY.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Kindergarten begins

We went to the "Meet-the-teacher" event last night at the elementary school that our older kids went to.

We've been away for six years but a lot of the same faces were there. It was another piece of the community that makesthis place home.

I was bored during the introductions so I sketched out the teacher that Gwendolyn will have (along with Elmer Eagle and a bit of flag hanging on the wall).