Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Mutha of all gangstas . . shut yo' mouth!

I guess it runs in the family.

In a previous post I documented some of the other gang members that abide in Kingwood. I thought they were anomolies in this part of town.

Apparently I was wrong; gang membership may be bred, not learned.

Below are my wife and daughter thowing signs

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Delicous DrunkenBatman at MacWorld

I am so wicked jealous.

DB sucks. :-)

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tommy the Cat by Primus

It had to be back in 1989 or '90 when I first heard of Primus. They were so very odd. And this song seems representitive.

Cat Herding

I think that this commercial illustrates what I do at work and what Susan does at the house. Except for her, the thrill of bringing in the herd is years away.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Miriam photoshoot

It will be good to remember her cute [when she's being "impish"]

I see her in me . . . or is it me in her?

You would think she was able to listen . . but ask her to pick up her toys . . .. not so much

So very sweet.

And time ot have her sister Michelle, repaint her nails.