My wife is so lucky! Usually she is forced to listen to the following rant as we register one of the kids for school here. This year I get to rant here and she has the option to read it. Isn't the internet great?
Every year the school district sends send home around eight pages of forms. The forms have so much duplicated information required. It is such a waste of time filling out the same fields over and over aain.
Why must I put the child's name, address, phone number, social security number, date of birth, parents' contact information, emergency contact information, grade, sex, doctor, parents' work information on multiple forms? And why must I do it every year?
Here's an idea. Let's put it all in a database. Let's put it on the web. Let's allow parents to populate it and every year the school district send a single form to the home with all the information so the parents can go online or mail it back if anything has changed.
I would love to know what the district does with all these forms. Do different departments use different forms? Do they put them in filing cabinats? Do they enter them into a computer system themselves? Do they shred them because the forms aren't really used but they've got to collect them.
I'll bet they use Macs too.