Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Gwendolyn loves me more than . .

As I tuck Gwendolyn in tonight she asks for one more thing.

I'm ready to get upset with her. Miriam's crying, we've done books, and teeth and hugs and prayers and stories and every other thing a five-year-old can think of to stay up.

But I'm a good dad. I ask her "What NOW Gwen?"

She says:

"I love you Dad.
I love you more than my room and my house.
I love you more than my blankie.
I love you more than any thing.
And I love Mommy the same.
Can you tell her?"

"Of course I can Gwendolyn."

What else can I do?

Wicked cool mapping

The beta appears to be closed but for those of you who were lucky enough to grab a copy, Google Earth is amazing.

Take google maps, put high resoultion satalite imagry on it and then put all that on a globe.

Then let the user pan, rotate, and zoom around it. Let the driving directions fly over the globe showing landmarks or gas stations or whatever along the way. Maybe render in 3-D mountains and magor American cities.

I love this! I'm think now of getting an adapter for the Tablet in the car. It's THAT cool.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Could a hotel be built on the land owned by Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter?

I have been quiet about the decision of the Supreme court regarding eminent domain while I try to gather the will to be surprised and outraged instead of just outraged. The Supremes are breaking my heart on this issue.

But how can you not share this?

Hotel Liberty