Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Caller ID Counts

You really have to be careful when you answer the phone; who you are talking to matters.

I'm at the office and the phone rings. I glance at the display and see the it's my home and answer, "Well, hellooooo there."

Silence. {"Odd," I think}

"Hello?" A man's voice. {!?!?!?}

"Aaron?" {Why is a man who knows my name calling me from my house?}

"Yes," I say. {Not police personnel, they would ask for "Mr. Klenke." Not a voice I recognize.}

"The virtual directories you wanted?" {Virtual directories? Oh! Scott!} Look, not glance, at phone display. The last four numbers match my home number. All others are different.

I finish the call as relief infuses me.
  1. The family is ok
  2. I didn't say anything that might me . . . inapproriate in a business environment.

Lesson learned: Look at the whole number, just in case

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