Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Texas Lottery on line

What a brilliant idea! Let people lose money on-line! As long as the state is going to let the masses give money, they might as well make it easy. Right?

April 26, 2005, 6:37AM

Texas closer to selling lottery tickets

Associated Press

AUSTIN — Texas would become the first state to sell lottery tickets online under legislation has received approval by a state legislative panel.

Under the bill approved by the state House Appropriations Committee on Monday, players also would be able to pay for lottery tickets with a debit card and establish a Texas Lottery Commission account that would draw down as they bought tickets.
The proposal was inserted in a larger bill, which would allow motorists to display one license plate on the rear of a vehicle.

Rep. Jim Pitts, the committee chairman and bill author, said Internet sales of lottery
tickets would earn an additional $100 million a year. The lottery raised $1 billion last year for schools.

Rep. Carlos Uresti, D-San Antonio, a supporter of the bill, described its chances in the full House as 50-50.

Rep. Myra Crownover, R-Denton, objected to the proposal, saying it could give children access to buying tickets and easier access could fuel gambling addictions.

And another thing; the lotto funds go to the General fund and are marked for education. But once in the general fund they are available to any other program.

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