Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Big Ideas come out of Big Pencils

I don't know how many rules of design this site breaks, but I enjoyed visiting. I almost never use pencils, I'm a pen guy, but I enjoy the concept of pencils. I think it's neat that there are "do-overs" with pencils.

Me, I like the commitment that goes along with pens. I like the fact that crossing out a mistake is a branding of yourself. I try not to show that I am human and make mistakes, so I am careful when I write with pen . . . I think a little more about it.

Also, and to be honest, the sound of graphite being rubbed away on paper is irratating to me and I avoid pencils for that too.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

To sleep, perchance to dream.

There are lots of things I like doing. I'll read [almost*] anything and enjoy it. I like palying some computer games. I enjoy doing almost anything with my wife.

I enjoy juggling and walking. I like drinking scotch with friends (or alone).

Except for the scotch (and probably the juggling) I think I'm like most folks.

But one of my favorite things to do is sleep.

I like napping between naps. I like getting up, showering, and going back to bed. I like falling asleep while watching TV or reading.

I like napping with daughters and wives. I like after a family lunch finding a bed and knowing that everyone else is looking to curl up in the sun too.

I do like sleeping in the sun and with all the blinds shut tightly.

I'll nap on sunny days to escape teh heat and on cloudy days with the hope of rain.

I enjoy the process of falling asleep. Sometimes I'll pick a spot on my foot and try to fire off synapse all the way to my face in a continuos line. I like counting backwards from two-hundred. Sometimes I'll add numbers in patterns until I fall asleep. I like waking up and not knowing where I am and then falling asleep not knowing.

I like napping in my car or waiting in line.

Some people think sleeping is not doing something. I strongly disagree. Napping is a skill and a joy. Napping is my friend.

Silent Lucitity by Queensryche

* I have tried a few times but have never made it through "Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance", Umberto Eco's "Island of the Day Before" and "The Body Farm". Sue me.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Who reads this and where are you?

A company called Rising Concepts has put out a tool/toy called Frapper (Friend Mapper) that allows a community group (in the virtual sense, not a real-space sense) to leverage Google Maps to shout out where you are.

I have always loved maps and atlases both real and digital. This is yet another toy that fits right in. So take a second and let me know where you are.