Saturday, October 07, 2006

Miriam seventh month status report

Last March Miriam burned her face pulling a cup of hot cocoa onto her face. She had second degree burns from the top of her forehead to the bottom of her chin and a few burns on her chest and arm. (Previous post - We are so very blessed)

Since then, we have kept her in a hat and slathered with sun block to prevent any uneven tanning that could become permanant.

She is doing very well and there is almost no scarring. When she gets hot or cries her face pinks up more than normal where she was burned but that too should pass.

I want to thank everyone who has reminded her to put her hat on. Her teachers at school have been great as well as the other soccer mom and babysitters and freinds.

I also want to thank everyone for all the prayers when she was healing. my friends at were a real support. Posted by Picasa