Monday, May 07, 2007

Have I mentioned how blessed I am?

In March 2006 my youngest daughter, Miriam, pulled a cup of just-boiled hot cocoa onto her face and got herself severely burned. (original post)

For the past year she has worn a hat and sunscreen to prevent her skin from tanning unevenly and becoming permanently splotched.

These days she's almost scar-free, drinks hot cocoa and can go out for brief periods without the hat.

I wanted to take a moment to thank those people who prayed for her when she was hurt. I want to thank the doctors that took care of her. I want to thank God for all He has done for me (in this and everything).

Miriam Today
Miriam then

YMCA Soccer

The YMCA 2007 Spring soccer season closed out last Saturday. I coached two teams again this season; a 3-4 league and a 6-7 girl's team.

Coaching at the YMCA has taught me so much. Over the 12 or so seasons I've coached I've seen so many different kinds of parents and parenting and coaching and kids. I'm a better person and parent because of the time I've spent with all these people.

For me, it's not as much about the skills on the field but on the team interaction. These kids may or may not play ball ever again but I think they had fun with each other. I think they left the season that sports can be fun and they'll pursue it later. I hope that they do it with me.

So props to the parents, coaches, staff, and the kids. I appreciate everything you did for me.

From 20070428 - Mo...

From 20070505 - Ti...
From 20070324 - Di...

Dino Soccer 2007 (3-4)

Tiger Soccer 2007 (6-7)