Friday, November 16, 2007

This I believe Redux

In 2005, on my birthday, I recompiled my "Today is a good day" post and submitted it to "This I Believe", a series for NPR.

Today I got the following email:
Greetings Mr. Klenke,

As you probably know, 88.7 FM, KUHF-Houston Public Radio is partnering with NPR on many projects. We're now teaming up with NPR to present local segments of "This I Believe".
NPR has forwarded the essay you submitted and I'd like to schedule a time when you can come to the KUHF Studios and record your "This I Believe" essay for our local radio series.

I think your essay is great and believe it would be a great radio piece for our listeners to enjoy.
I'm truly looking forward to meeting you and recording your essay for our listeners.

All the best.

Paul Pendergraft
Senior Producer, News & Public Affairs
88.7 FM, KUHF-Houston Public Radio
4343 Elgin Street
Houston, Texas 77204-0887
How cool is that? "Today is a good day" has changed my life. Maybe it can change more.