Monday, July 10, 2006

Adria Warren Benefit

Sunday was the culmination of weeks of organizing for Susan as she put together a benefit for a friend's 15 year old daughter whose going through radiation treatments for a tumor.

Susan called in volunteers from as far away as San Antonio to help out.

We raised a ton of money, and maybe some hope too.

If you want to donate to the fund Susan set up, holler at me and I can get you the bank info. Posted by Picasa

Thaddeus plays T-ball

My nephew is very serrious about sports in general and is very into baseball.

Luckily enough, the local YMCA has a summer T-ball program.

So twice a week (or more) the Coles come up to Kingwood after work and we all catch a game. Posted by Picasa

Gwendolyn's First Parade

Gwendolyn rode her bike in the local Independence day parade and won second place.
On getting the trophey, Gwen turned to her mom and told her that Susan should have it, "Since you did all the work."

The parade was fun and even though there was a light rain we went to Town Center to be part of the celebration. The band was pretty good and played mucic that the kids (and Susan and I) could dance to.

The fireworks were uninspiring but you can't ask for too much I guess. Posted by Picasa