Monday, February 12, 2007

Otter Pops - a post for my sister

Every once in a while I see something that takes me back to my youth. Most of these memories include my sister, The Sister. Flintstone vitamins and "mandatory fun" are the first things that come to mind but every once in a while I'm surprised.

Yesterday was one of those days.

While wandering the local market I saw Otter Pops on an end cap. These are frozen, flavored, sugar water. They have no redeeming qualities from a parent's point of view.

As a child though, I loved them. So, for $0.89US, i got a taste of my childhood.

You don't get value like that too often these days.

So. Here's to you Sister!

Home of the Otter Pops (with music!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you save me the strawberry one? Of course, I know all the blueberry are gone.

You rock. XOXOXO.