Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Juggling for life

Years ago, back in the early nineties I went to the renaissance festival outside of Kansas City and was amazed by a juggler with torches. He was funny and talented and had girls all over him. Pretty cool.

A few years later I was in Washington D.C. and in need of a hobby. I thought I would learn to juggle. I started off with the Klutz kit. Then some Dube clubs. And more clubs. Then knives, and devil sticks. A diabolo. Then there was the unicycle and the newest edition, the fireballs (which I did very poorly and need to spend more time on).

I used to attend meetings ("Hi, My name is Aaron . . . and I am a juggler) at Fairfax Jugglers and attended the Juggling festival with my sister Sarah in '93.

When I lived in Montana I did a little stand-up, birthday parties and taught a self-confidence course.

Since I moved to Texas, I haven't juggled as much as I should. I just don't make the time. But I like doing it. It's something that I didn't think I would be able to do and I do it pretty well. But I need more practice.

I am lucky. The few times in the past year that I juggled in front of people they majority of the audience was under 5 years old. They think the best part is when I drop stuff.

I'm going to watch the World Juggling Federation competition Thursday and Friday and get inspired. Yeah, that's the ticket.

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