Monday, March 07, 2005

Miriam learns well from her sister . . .

. . from a certain point of view.

When we moved into the new house the "Green Room" became my den. We moved in some furniture that was very comfortable but a wee bit too stained for the livingroom.

Gwen discovered very quickly that the couch, seat, and ottoman made great platforms to jump from. I was cool with it. Susan . . . put up with my choice.

Then Miriam came. And she watched. And she learned. And she put it to practice.

She does not nail the landings like Gwendolyn does. But she is not two yet. I have faith.

Miriam Jumping: wmv (380KB); AVI (8.86 MB)
[I made a token effort to find a free MPEG encoder . . . failed.]

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